Image text extractor
Image text extractor


Arumugam, Applications of text detection and its challenges (2015), pp. Sharma, Deep learning model for text recognition in images, in 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) (2019), pp. Manjusha, Road detection by boundary extraction technique and hough transform (2019). Brahma, Traffic sign board detection using Canny edge detection for compressed images. Adam, MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications (2017) Yao, An end-to-end trainable neural network for image-based sequence recognition and its application to scene text recognition.

image text extractor

Zisserman, Synthetic data for text localisation in natural images (2016), pp.

image text extractor

Cai, PixelLink: Detecting scene text via instance segmentation (2018)Ī. Liang, EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text De-tector (2017), pp. The library could be installed onto our python environment by executing the following. For enabling our python program to have Character recognition capabilities, we would be making use of pytesseract OCR library. We would be utilizing python programming language for doing so. The extraction process will take a few seconds to make sure it finds as many images as possible. In this article, we would learn about extracting text from images. Simply paste the URL of the website into the input field and click 'Extract' to start the process. Ekenel, Text detection in natural and computer-generated images (2018), pp. is an easy to use tool that allows you to extract, view and download images from any public website. Bharathi, Automatic road sign detection and recognition based on SIFT feature matching algorithm (2016). Ruggiero, A process for text recognition of generic identification documents over cloud computing (2016) Gupta, Recognition of multilingual text from signage boards (2017), pp. Mathur, What is KYC? Why is it important? (2019, June 18). This paper is useful for researchers who want to work on improving the automation of text extraction from images, optical character recognition, and other similar use-cases Keywords It can eliminate your retyping effort by the.


The end-to-end system presented in the paper gives an accuracy of 93%. Text Extractor helps you turn scanned PDF documents, digital images into searchable and editable text content. The paper proposes an end-to-end system for preprocessing, text detection, and text recognition of identity cards by identifying the suitable methods and model architectures for each of the components in the system. Automation of this entire process is extremely beneficial for these organizations. Traditionally, it has required collecting the required data from the uploaded images of identity cards and then manually entering them into a system which makes it a resource-intensive and error-prone task.


The process of customer verification has become a mandatory procedure to follow for a large number of sales and financial organizations.

Image text extractor